Masters of Fine Arts, East Carolina University, Greenville NC 8/09-5/12
Bachelors of Fine Arts, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA 7/03-5/07
Co-founder Jewelry Edition: Traveling Pop-up Gallery for Early Career Artists, 2013- Present
2021 SNAG Virtual Conference Coordinator
Interim Managing Director Society of North American Goldsmiths 1/21 - 6/21
Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG) Board of directors 2016-2021
Visiting Professor in Metals/Jewelry, Western Michigan University, Area Coordinator Fall 2012-Spring 2013
2011 ECU Metals Symposium Coordinator, East Carolina University, Jan 15-18, 2011
Store Coordinator, Society for Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, PA 2007-2009
Haystack School of Craft, Deer Isle, ME 2017
The Enamelist Society Conference, 2017
Arrowmont School of Craft, Gatlinburg TN, 2016
Radical Enameling Workshop, Richmond Art Center, Richmond CA 2015
Metalwrex, Boston, MA 2015
Pocosin Arts, Columbia NC 2014
Penland School of Crafts, Penland NC 2014
Yuma Symposium, Yuma AZ 2014
Touchstone Center for Crafts, Farmington PA 2015, 2013, 2012
Society for Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, PA 2012, 2015
University of Texas, San Marco, TX 2/20
ECU Metals Symposium, Greenville, NC 1/20
108 Contemporary, Tulsa, OK 8/19
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KA 10/18
SOFA Chicago, Emerging Artist Lecture 11/17
The Enamelist Society Conference, Arrowmont, 6/17
University of Georgia, Athens GA 3/17
Texas Tech, Texas Metals Symposium, Lubbock TX 8/16
New Mexico State University, Los Colinas, MN 1/16
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 8/15
California College for the Arts, Oakland, CA 11/15
University of Wisconsin- Stout, Menomonie, WI 4/14
Yuma Symposium Lecture and Demo, Yuma, AZ 2/14
Craft Boston Educational Lecturer Series, Boston, MA 4/13
Jewelry and Metals Survey, Society of North American Goldsmiths 2019
The Art of Fine Enameling, Karen Cohen, Stackpole Books, 2019
Ornament Magazine, Featured Article, Vol 40.1 2017
Exhibition in Print, Metalsmith Magazine, Vol.36 No.4 2016
Ornament Magazine, Vol 38.4 Pg 31 2016
Signs of Life, Facere Art Jewelry, Front Cover Oct 2015
American Craft, Sum & Substance Oct/Nov 2015
Art Jewelry Magazine, Back Cover, Jan 2015
Metalsmith Magazine Vol 34 No.1, 2014
Ornament Magazine 36.3, Women Working Words exhibition review, pg 19, 2013
Behind the Brooch: A Closer Look at Backs, Catches, and Pin Stems, Lorena Angulo 2013
Art Jewelry Today 3, Schiffer Publishing, 2011
500 Enameled Objects, Lark Books, 2009
One Woman’s Trash is Another Woman’s...Lingerie?, The Wall Street Journal, 1/2/09
Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Boston MA
The Enamel Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
Racine Art Museum, Racine, WI
Wingate University, Wingate, NC
Museum of Fine Art Houston, Houston, TX
The Museum of Arts and Design, New York, NY
Fidelity Bank Corporate Collection, Durham, NC
Maria V. Howard Art Center, Rocky Mount, NC
BUILT/UNBUILT Gallery 360, Minneapolis MN 10/16
Project: Crossroads, Shotgun Collective, Dallas, TX 9/16
Details out of Place, Maria V. Howard Art Center, Rocky Mount, NC 6/4/12
Of Maps and Memories, Equinox Gallery, San Antonio, TX 8/9/12
Of a Time and Place, Solo Show, Community Center for the Arts, Kinston, NC 1/20/11
Bits and Pieces of a Place, Solo Show, Modern Formations Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA 12/5/08
Sparkle Plenty, Quirk Gallery, Richmond, VA 11/21
Confluence: A Visual Discourse of U.S. Academic Art Jewelers, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN, 10/21
On Location, Peninsula School of Art, Fish Creek, WI 8/21
At the Beginning of the Journey, Kobe Design University, Kobe Japan, 11/19
Building on the Body, 108 Contemporary, Tulsa, OK 7/19
Diversity Galore, Atta Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand 2/19
Landscapes Crafted, Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, MA 10/19
Craft Texas, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston, TX 9/18
Masters in Craft, Strohl Art Center, Chautauqua NY 7/19
Beyond Ornament, Green Hill Center for NC Art, Greenhill NC 6/18
Smithsonian Craft Show, Washington D.C. 4/18
Plate Glass, Arrowmont School of Craft, Gatlinburg, TN 8/17
Contemporary Enamel Art from Korea, the U.S. and Taiwan, National Taiwan Craft Research and
Development Institute- Taipei Contemporary Design Branch Taipei, Taiwan 5/17
Complex Geometry, Taboo Gallery, San Diego, CA 6/17
Intersecting Boundaries, Clamp Light Studios, San Antonio, TX 5/17
Perfect Strangers, Munich Germany 3/17
SOFA Chicago, Charon Kransen Arts, Chicago, IL 11/4
Enamel Jewelry Show, Shibumi Gallery, Berkeley California 9/16
Color Me This, Turchin Center for Visual Arts, Appalachian State University 7/16
Highlight Artist, Mora Collection, Asheville, NC 6/16
Signs of Life, Facere Art Jewelry, Seattle CA 10/15
Schmuck 2015, Prague, 9/15
Between the Lines, Taboo Studios, San Diego CA6/15
Sense of Color, Creative Metalsmiths Chapel Hill NC 4/15
Schmuck, Munich Germany 3/15
Couleur, J Cotter Gallery, Vail, CO 11/14
Sparkle Plenty, Quirk Gallery, Richmond, VA 10/14
Narrative Jewelry, Brumfield’s Gallery Boise, ID 7/14
Louder Than Words, Facere Art Jewelry Gallery, Seattle, WA 3/14
Schmuck 2014, Munich Germany, 3/14
Detritus, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, 1/14
Alchemy2 International Juried Enamel Exhibition, Carnegie Arts Center, Covington, KY 7/13
Craft Boston, Invited Artist, Boston, MA 4/13
Ferrous, Velvet De Vinci, San Francisco, CA 3/13
Women Working Words, Facere Art Jewelry Gallery, Seattle, WA 2/13
Monochrome Noir, Velvet De Vinci, San Francisco, CA 1/13
Off the Wall, ECU, Greenville, NC 1/13
The Bracelet Show, Kathleen Sommers Gallery, San Antonio, TX 12/7/12
2012 Frostic School of Art Faculty Exhibition, Richmond Center for the Art, WMU, Kalamazoo, MI 11/4/12
Touchstone Center for Crafts Faculty Exhibition Fallingwater Gallery, Mill Run, PA 7/12/12
Recycle. Reuse. Reinvent. Fowler_Kellogg Art Center, Chautauqua, NY 5/5/12
Iterations of Home, Emerge Gallery, Greenville, NC 4/15/12
The Art of Influence, Gray Gallery, ECU, Greenville, NC 2/14/12
Special Projects Grant, Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs, 2016
Show Directors Award, American Craft Exposition 2015
Ruth and Harold Chenven Foundation Grant 10/13
Juror’s Choice Award, Alchemy2 International Juried Enamel Exhibition 7/13
Invited Artist, Craft Boston, Boston, MA 4/13
Hannah Graduate Scholarship, ECU, 4/15/2011
Best in Show, Small Treasures, Cary Gallery of Artists 3/25/2011
Best in Show Purchase Award, 53rd National Juried Art Show 6/2/2010
Best in Show Purchase Award, Handcrafted 2/1/2010
Best in Show, Cast Shadows, Mendenhall Student Center, ECU 1/15/2010
Hannah Graduate Scholarship, ECU, 4/15/201
2010 Niche Award Finalist in Functional Metals, 12/09
Third Place in Sculpture, 4th Annual Intercollegiate Metals Exhibition 10/09
Emerging Artist Scholarship, Three Rivers Arts Festival, Pittsburgh, PA 5/09
Best in Show, Spring Salon, Modern Formations Gallery, 4/15/2008